CMMS Pricing and Comparison
CMMS Pricing – Commonly Asked Questions?
Question: How much does a single user license cost?
Answer: $995.00. Additional licenses are less per unit. This is a one time investment with a typical ROI of 6 months. Request a CMMS pricing quote.
Question: Why should I invest in MaintSmart when there is a $49 CMMS available?
Answer: The real value of a CMMS is realized by the time and money savings its brings to your maintenance operation. MaintSmart is a proven winner with powerful reporting and analysis tools to guide you towards a more efficient maintenance operation. Do you really want to trust millions of dollars worth of equipment to a $49 CMMS?
Question: I would like to try out the software in a production environment first to prove it will work for us. Is this possible?
Answer: Yes. No only is it possible – we encourage it! Additionally we are pleased to build your company database with you during online training and demonstration sessions at your convenience. Use the program for 30 days. Issue preventative maintenance task lists, work orders and purchase orders. In the end you’ll have at least a partially populated database of your equipment maintenance data. This is absolutely free.
Question: Can additional user licenses be added later?
Answer: Yes and we calculate your multi-license discount based upon all the licenses you currently own. Call us for more information on CMMS pricing.
Question: How are users counted and what represent one license?
Answer: Each license entitles one user (concurrent user) to be accessing the program at any given moment in time (in other words are “logged in” to the CMMS). Each license licenses one computer or more. For example a 1 user/2 computer license can be installed on 2 computers and have one active user at a time. This license costs $1595. Named users are considered people in your organization that have a user name and password and can log in to the CMMS. There is no limit on named users.
Question: What is included in the basic purchase of the software?
Answer: All software modules are included at low one price.
Question: What specific software modules are included?
Answer: Work orders, preventative maintenance, downtime, purchasing and inventory. Also all analysis, reporting tools and query-builder are included.
Question: How much is the annual subscription fee?
Answer: There is NO annual subscription fee. Once you purchase the software you own it with a perpetual license.
Question: Is a support contract required?
Answer: There is NO required support costs. Email support is free for life. Optional “extended support” is available and covers phone support and upgrades.
Question: Is there a Cloud version of MaintSmart?
Answer: Yes MaintSmart Cloud is a subscription-based version of MaintSmart Enterprise. This is fully manged by a professional cloud service management company. All server hardware is provide as is maintenance and MaintSmart Extended Support is included with the subscription.
Question: Is training required?
Answer: Training is useful but not required. All new users receive two (2) hours of free training with any purchase. Purchases over five user licenses receive four (4) hours free personalized training.
Question: What other training resources are available?
Answer: Free training videos cover most modules in the program. Personalized online training is available for a nominal cost. Onsite or offsite training is also available.
Question: Are there discounts available for charitable organizations?
Answer: Yes. Discounts range from 25% to 100% (free to verifiable Christian organizations).
Question: How large of an organization can the program effectively handle?
Answer: There is no limit. We have users counts from one user to several hundred concurrent users.
Question: Is specialized equipment needed to run this CMMS?
Answer: Any reasonably modern computer will run MaintSmart.
Question: I am considering switching from our old ineffective CMMS to MaintSmart. Can our old data be imported into MaintSmart?
Answer: Yes in most cases we can import equipment and spares.
Question: With so many CMMS software companies coming and going every year, how do I know that MaintSmart will still be around in the future?
Answer: We have been in business nearly 20 years and MaintSmart is widely used in nearly 40 countries. We are a reliable company in business for the long term.
Question: We have operations in the United States, Mexico and China. Is it possible to use MaintSmart in different languages?
Answer: Yes, MaintSmart translates to any language. Additionally multiple languages can reside in the same database and users can choose a language or be assigned a language. We’ll provide a good machine translation and this can be adjusted easily by using our translation tool included in the software.