CMMS Reviews and CMMS Software Comparison
Below are CMMS reviews of several of the key modules. Comparison is with another well known competitor of similar cost. However these comparisons are applicable to at least 75% of the products available now. Go with a top-rated CMMS software system. MaintSmart in business for 20 years. In use in 41 countries worldwide. Trusted by the US Department of Homeland Security, US Department of Energy, Iraq Ministry of Electricity and countless other reputable manufacturing facilities, organizations, hospitals and business worldwide. Translations available in every language.
What makes this CMMS different:
- Consistent design for fast implementation and success.
- Powerful, yet easy to use analysis and reporting tools.
- Complete system for the cost of competitors base module.
- Flexible reporting of ALL data.
- User-defined drag and drop reports in seconds.
- Free support for life.
- Available in enterprise, cloud with web enabled add-on.

Work Order Software Comparison
Our CMMS provides a full work order software system. It includes repair ticket capability and a simple way to convert a repair ticket to a work order. Work orders are created seven different way. Send automatically created work orders from expired meters or schedules. Event notification issued to selected user upon work order change or creation.
Our targeted competitor does not have any of these features.

Preventative Maintenance CMMS Reviews
A unique preventative maintenance software component sets this CMMS completely apart from all of the competition. No other CMMS has this simple calendar-based preventative maintenance module. To the competition, everything is a work order. This PM software system enables the user to close hundred of PMs instantly. Preventative maintenance task lists issue directly to the needed technician automatically and consistently.

Downtime Tracking Software Comparison
This is yet another module that no other CMMS software vendor offers. Others call everything a work order, even downtime. Downtime is a instance of equipment failure not work! MaintSmart tracks downtime as its own data store. By doing so Overall Equipment Effectiveness and Reliability Analysis are fully implemented in the software. Downtime tracking is further enhanced by the drag and drop report building tool. Knowing where the biggest problems are leads you towards most cost effective solutions.

Inventory Management Software Review
Once again MaintSmart stands apart from the rest with inventory management software. Perform audits easily from the CMMS. This includes a cycle count audit that provides for small random sample audits over the entire fiscal year instead of shutting down to perform one large audit at the end of the year. Countless reports available in seconds: Audit, Over/Under Stock, Restocking, Who, Where and Why spares used, etc. Powerful analysis tools that none of our competitors have.

Purchase Order Software Rating
CMMS reviews of various purchase order software packages show that MaintSmart stands out with a comprehensive system. This includes a full role-based purchase management module. The new Hot Sheet includes drag and drop requisitions and even purchase orders. Color-coded tool-tips clearly indicate the status of spares order or on order. No CMMS anywhere has this capability, especially at this price.

CMMS Analysis Review
This software dominates the CMMS reviews when comparing analysis and reporting capability and ease of use. Does your CMMS provide a way to report and chart ALL DATA in the entire program? Does it present this data the way you want to see it? Does it have an automatic report scheduler that issues exactly the correct filtered and time-sensitive report at exacting the right time and to the right individuals?

CMMS Company Stability and Reputation
Approximately 75 CMMS software companies go out of business each year. Another 75 new CMMS software companies will replace those that failed. While this is sad for these businesses it is equally sad of their users that now own unsupported software. This cycle has been going on since the founding of MaintSmart back in 1997. MaintSmart is stable and healthy. We’ll still be here 20 years from now. Do not get caught without support from one of the fast-talking sales pitches so prevalent today in this industry. Be careful of the $29 CMMS. You will get what you pay for. Carefully examine each CMMS candidate. Many are displaying advanced features such as OEE or reliability analysis on their web site, but do not have these advanced features available in their package. They simply talk about them to draw in more web traffic. Everything listed on our site comes with the base module.

Go With a CMMS Has 99% User Retention!
Our users enjoy using MaintSmart. We have a cult-following of users that rely completely on this CMMS to manage all aspects of their maintenance operation. Contact us now for a free online demo and complete software download for a 30 day trial period. You have full unlimited support and training during the evaluation period at no cost or obligation.